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Song of Rest


  Song of Rest is the first single album of Bridge Bride, a musical group consisting of a vocalist and a composer-player. They intended to present a relaxing image with two little girls that look like their childhood, two sheep, and a tree of life from the bible.

  Colored pencils and children's watercolors were primarily used, with acrylics added in certain areas.

Album Art
song of rest, album art, nature, color pencil
song of rest, album art, nature, color pencil
song of rest, album art, nature, color pencil
Song Link

Song of Rest


쉬어가는 노래

song of Rest

불러야만 해

I must sing it

내가 나를 느낄 수 있게

so that you can feel me

아득히 먼 곳에 두고 온 나를

This is a song you sing, coming back to me

이제는 제자리로 돌아와 부르는 노래

whom you had left to infinity

솔직한 목소리로 um

with honest voice um

한 음 한 음 모자라지 않게

note by note to be enough

누구도 빼앗지 못하는 내 맘 속에

in my mind who can not steal

숨겨 놓을거야

I will hide

쉬어가는 노래를

the song of rest

조금은 느리지만

a little bit slow but

사랑했던 순간들이

the moments that I loved

내겐 의미있는 쉼이었다

were meaningful rest

말해준 노래

the song that told me that

언젠가 이 노래의 마지막 순간이 오면

when the last moment of this song comes

나의 시작은 항상 사랑이라

the song would let me know

알게 해주는 노래

my beginning is always love

라라라라 라라라 라라라라 라라

lalalala lalala lalalala lalala



song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil
song of rest drawing process, color pencil


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